Exploring another amazing place in beautiful Indonesia... Visiting PUJA MANDALA in NUSA DUA region, Bali.

We found this place by accident, while riding back to the hotel with our bike. We were wet, our clothes and surfbords were covered in dust... Also, we were in more than a bad mood, after we got lost and had to risk our lives in order to make a U turn on a busy crossroad with no traffic lights!. Anyway... while looking around for a familiar sign on the street we found this real treasure <3
It's a unique place that shows perfectly the spiritual harmony of the Indonesian people, as the religious complex represents not one or two, but FIVE religions*! :)
* the Hindu Jagatnatha Temple, the Buddhist Budhina Guna Temple, the Catholic Bunda Maria Segala Bangsa church, the Protestant Jemaat Bukit Doa church, and the Ibnu Batutah Mosque
At first, when we stopped the bike, the sky was cloudy and weird, our bad mood and daily worries were still chasing us...
But as we started walking around and exploring the temples, the small gardens and exotic plants, we remembered how light-hearted and cheerful are the local people... And the sun was shining again (like literally lol) and we admired once more the rich culture hand in hand with the tolerance and mutual understanding that dominate the nice little island of Bali.
Sadly, we couldn't visit or take pictures of all five temples, but you get the big picture - it was BEAUTIFUL!