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Travel ^ Surf ^ Lifestyle


Feb 23, 20214 min read
Sri Lanka Safari
Discovering elephants in their natural habitat Едно от мечтаните ни неща, свързани с Шри Ланка, беше да отидем в резерват за диви животни...

Feb 10, 20217 min read
How we plan our trips
Как планираме далечните си пътувания? Съвети за небрежно и щастливо приключенстване "О, вие сигурно по няколко месеца си планирате...

Dec 29, 20203 min read
Sri Lanka days
Сякаш беше в друг живот, а реално се случи съвсем неотдавна, в началото на 2020, точно преди светът да се преобърне... Февруари...

Oct 20, 20191 min read
Toscana - golden hills and blue skies
Есента е меланхолия и последни слънчеви лъчи, есента е топло злато и разтопен карамел, есента е дълбоки въздишки и хубаво кафе. Поне...

Sep 29, 20191 min read
Eagle's eye - Rhodope mountains
Трябва да призная нещо... и ние с Ники, като много "блогъри" и "пътешественици", всъщност сме виновни да не познаваме достатъчно добре...

Jan 15, 20191 min read
January surfing in Greece
January 2019 - Parga, Greece - 14ºC water and 10ºC outside. Strong wind and messy waves for two days, and then flat sea and angry clouds...

Aug 11, 20181 min read
We miss you LOMBOK
As horrific earthquakes hit this precious island we go back to the dear days we've spent there during last winter... Lombok is raw and...

Jun 6, 20183 min read
Exploring NUSA PENIDA island: Crystal Bay
How did we decide to visit this small, cute island... What adventures we had on the way there and what was our first impression of Nusa...

Jun 3, 20182 min read
BALI : Incredible Balangan beach | Surfing at low tide |
Getting immersed in the Balinese state of mind, where you keep it calm and relaxed, no matter how many things go wrong... A day in life...

May 28, 20181 min read
Exploring another amazing place in beautiful Indonesia... Visiting PUJA MANDALA in NUSA DUA region, Bali. We found this place by...

May 7, 20183 min read
EGYPT : Wonders of Cairo + The Amazing Pyramids
Egypt is a truly unique, exotic place! Take a look at our pictures from The Pyramids, read some useful tips about visiting the country in...

Jan 17, 20182 min read
January in Indonesia: Lombok surfing
How does it feel to be on an island in the middle of the warm Indian ocean, to be surrounded by jungle and sand, to fly on a motorbike on...

Nov 10, 20171 min read
Bali's breathtaking beauty: Tegalalang rice fields
Sitting on the edge and looking down, you want to dive forward and stay in this green infinity and never leave... November, often means...
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